Immerse yourself in tranquility with this bouquet of 25 white and blue-white roses, thoughtfully arranged and tied with a ribbon. Each rose, with its delicate blend of white and blue, creates a serene and calming ambiance. Tied with care, this bouquet is a symbol of peace, purity, and harmony. White roses, representing purity and innocence, complement the blue-white roses, symbolizing tranquility and serenity. As you gaze upon this bouquet, youll feel a sense of calmness wash over you, as if youre surrounded by a tranquil garden. Whether its a wedding, an anniversary, or a moment of reflection, this bouquet brings a touch of tranquility and beauty to any occasion.Includes:• 25 White roses & blue-white roses bouquetAs stocks are getting exhausted fast, we reserve the right to replace item of equal value without notice. Package and basket may vary. Delivery : Note. Some flowers and accessories may not be available and we reserve the right to replace them without notice. However, value will be maintained.