Embrace the beauty of natures harmony with our colorful chrysanthemum ensemble, featuring ten blooms in yellow, white, and purple hues. This captivating arrangement exudes a sense of balance and tranquility, perfect for enhancing any space with its serene presence. Whether gracing a tabletop or brightening a room, these chrysanthemums radiate elegance and sophistication. The absence of a vase allows for creative expression, empowering you to craft a display that reflects your individual style. Let each bloom be a testament to the rich tapestry of life, where diversity thrives and beauty abounds. With this bouquet, immerse yourself in the symphony of colors and textures that nature offers, and let it inspire moments of joy and appreciation.Includes:• Bouquet of 10 yellow, white and purple chrysanthemums(The vase is not included)As stocks are getting exhausted fast, we reserve the right to replace item of equal value without notice. Package and basket may vary. Delivery : Note. Some flowers and accessories may not be available and we reserve the right to replace them without notice. However, value will be maintained.