This gift is a delightful surprise filled with the warmth of sunshine. A bunch of fifteen yellow roses creates a stunning display that radiates joy and happiness. Yellow roses are known to symbolize friendship, happiness, and positivity, making them a perfect choice to brighten someones day. Tied together with a charming bow, this bouquet adds a touch of elegance to its cheerful appearance. Whether its to celebrate a special occasion or simply to show someone you care, this gift is sure to bring a smile to their face. Each rose carries a message of hope and optimism, reminding the recipient of the beauty that surrounds them. With its simple yet meaningful gesture, this bouquet is a wonderful way to spread warmth and happiness to those you love.Includes:• 15 Yellow roses in a bunch with a bowAs stocks are getting exhausted fast, we reserve the right to replace item of equal value without notice. Package and basket may vary. Delivery : Note. Some flowers and accessories may not be available and we reserve the right to replace them without notice. However, value will be maintained.