Present a thoughtful gesture with our Bouquet of Pink Roses and Vase gift set, featuring 15 exquisite pink roses arranged in a beautiful bouquet along with a free vase. The pink roses symbolize sweetness, joy, and admiration, making them a perfect choice for expressing love, friendship, or appreciation. The complimentary vase not only adds convenience but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of the bouquet, allowing the recipient to enjoy the beauty of the roses for longer. Whether its a romantic occasion, a birthday surprise, or a gesture of gratitude, this gift set is sure to convey your sentiments with elegance and charm.Includes:• 15 Pink roses bouquet with a free vaseAs stocks are getting exhausted fast, we reserve the right to replace item of equal value without notice. Package and basket may vary. Delivery : Note. Some flowers and accessories may not be available and we reserve the right to replace them without notice. However, value will be maintained.