Elevate your gift-giving experience with our Elegant Scarlet Rose Collection, featuring fifteen red roses with 50cm stems that exude sophistication and charm. The scarlet hue of these roses symbolizes deep love and admiration, making them a perfect choice for expressing heartfelt sentiments on special occasions. Each rose is meticulously arranged to showcase its beauty and elegance, creating a bouquet that captivates the senses and leaves a lasting impression. Whether its a romantic gesture, a gesture of appreciation, or a symbol of celebration, this collection of red roses is sure to convey your emotions with grace and style.Includes:• Bouquet 15 red roses (50cm)As stocks are getting exhausted fast, we reserve the right to replace item of equal value without notice. Package and basket may vary. Delivery : Note. Some flowers and accessories may not be available and we reserve the right to replace them without notice. However, value will be maintained.